How To Pass the New AWS Developer Associate Exam

Hello Guys, I recently passed my AWS developer associate exam, I thought of sharing some tips and tricks and other materials which I used to ace this certification that will help you to achieve the same. I am not putting the structure and breakdown of the exam syllabus. But you can always check the latest and updated guide here:-
Exam Guide:-
So, Guys, I started learning about the exam syllabus on Udemy with the Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2021 — NEW! by Stephane Maarek, I think this course is more than enough to achieve the AWS developer title, the best part of this course is you get the free practice exam as well in the end of the course which you can practice before the final one and also the quizzes after each section helps a lot to gain and to know how a question can be framed from this section for example from S3 Section.
Which S3 encryption method mandates that you use HTTPS while uploading/download objects?
a. SSE-C
b. SSE-S3
d. Client-Side Encryption
Exam Practice
- The course that I used after completing the above course is the Neal-Davis Course, to practice enough and get yourself ready for the exam this is the course for you. It comes with 6 different practice exams and 2 additional exams on the digital cloud website (coupon for 100% off is in the course itself).
- There is one more course you can opt for practicing enough is the course of Stephane Mareek and Abhishek Singh., this is also a nice course. It also comes with 6 different practice exams.
There are few sites as well available online which can give practice questions for free of cost. But be aware the answers to that questions sometimes are not up to the mark, that’s why I recommend using the above two courses. You can easily find out on google.
Tips and Tricks
- Practice enough questions and exam-syllabus and the real-hands on is the key to pass the exam. Practicing more and more questions usually gives you the hint in the main exam on how to answer the questions and how to eliminate the wrong one and choose the correct one. While giving any of the above practice exams, keep the eye on the wrong one as well as the right one to check why the other options are not valid.
- What happens when you practice enough questions and all, before reading the complete question you are trying to give the answers by thinking you already know it. Note:- Carefully read the questions as I thought the same and my marks got deducted due to that and this thing I am doing in the practice exams as well because sometimes you get repeated questions as well, but slightly the language is a change or the answers are different.
- Exam length is about 130 minutes, which I think is more than enough, even you can double-check our answers before submitting and keep using the markers(review) in the actual exam for the questions you think I don’t know and have some doubt.
- While learning and giving sample exams, always make a note somewhere in google-docs or word or any editor, for the wrong answers, and whenever you are learning something new. This will definitely help you on the day before an exam. My Final Day Points which are extracted from the course and practice exam which helped me.
Thanks for reading guys, I think this guide will help you to achieve and learn something new for the AWS exam and to helps you to Crack the Exam as well.
Good Luck with the Exam……
In Case of Any Issues and Questions, you can connect me on LinkedIn: